CAltusUnified::AnimatedCircle | A movable, pulsing circle. |
CAltusUnified::AnimationManager | Manages animations. |
CAltusUnified::Atmospherics | Controls the atmospheric and lighting systems |
CAltusUnified::BinaryBlob | Represents binary data of some given size. |
CAltusUnified::BoundingBox | |
CAltusUnified::BoundingRange | |
CAltusUnified::Camera | A virtual camera that controls how the map is viewed. |
CAltusUnified::ClassicCameraModifier | Modifies camera behavior so it behaves like the original Altus 1.0 iOS camera. |
CAltusUnified::Color | Represents a color. |
CAltusUnified::ColorBar | |
CAltusUnified::Diagnostics | |
CAltusUnified::DynamicMarker | Conveys information about a marker that will have its attributes updated frequently. |
►CAltusUnified::DynamicShape | Represents a dynamic shape. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicExtrudedPolygon | Represents a dynamic 2D polygon, extruded into 3D using a min and max altitude. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicLine | Represents a 2D dynamic line. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicLine3D | Represents a 3D dynamic line. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicPolygon | Represents a dynamic 2D polygon. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicPolygon3D | Represents a dynamic 3D polygon. |
CAltusUnified::ExtrudedPolygon | |
CAltusUnified::Framerate | Controls the rendering framerate. Use this to turn on "Green Mode", which renders less frequently and reduced performance requirements and power consumption. |
CAltusUnified::FrameRenderer | |
CAltusUnified::GeoBoundingBox | |
CAltusUnified::GeographicPosition | Represents a three dimensional location using latitude, longitude, and altitude. |
CAltusUnified::GeographicPosition2D | Represents a two dimensional location using latitude and longitude. |
CAltusUnified::GeometryGroup | |
CAltusUnified::HitTesting | Controls Scene-wide hit testing. |
►CAltusUnified::IGestureReceiver | An extendible class that allows a developer to handle Altus gestures (such as panning and zooming) in a unique way. There is also an existing sub-class, ClassicGestureReceiver, that handles gestures in the classic Altus 2.0 way. Gesture events are generated by Altus from the raw stream of finger/pointer events. If you would like access to the raw stream of finger/pointer events without Altus gesture generation, please see RawInputHandler. |
CAltusUnified::ClassicGestureReceiver | An extendible class that allows a developer to handle Altus gestures (such as panning and zooming) in a unique way. There is also an existing sub-class, ClassicGestureReceiver, that handles gestures in the classic Altus 2.0 way. Gesture events are generated by Altus from the raw stream of finger/pointer events. If you would like access to the raw stream of finger/pointer events without Altus gesture generation, please see RawInputHandler. |
CAltusUnified::ListGestureReceiver | An extendible class that allows a developer to handle Altus gestures (such as panning and zooming) in a unique way. There is also an existing sub-class, ClassicGestureReceiver, that handles gestures in the classic Altus 2.0 way. Gesture events are generated by Altus from the raw stream of finger/pointer events. If you would like access to the raw stream of finger/pointer events without Altus gesture generation, please see RawInputHandler. |
CAltusUnified::LongPressGestureReceiver | An extendible class that allows a developer to handle Altus gestures (such as panning and zooming) in a unique way. There is also an existing sub-class, ClassicGestureReceiver, that handles gestures in the classic Altus 2.0 way. Gesture events are generated by Altus from the raw stream of finger/pointer events. If you would like access to the raw stream of finger/pointer events without Altus gesture generation, please see RawInputHandler. |
CAltusUnified::ILongPressDelegate | |
CAltusUnified::Image | |
CAltusUnified::IMarkerMapDelegate | A delegate for a MarkerMap, used to receive events when a user clicks on a marker or to specify the images for markers that were created without images (such as VirtualMap tiled marker maps). |
CAltusUnified::IModelMapDelegate | |
►CAltusUnified::InstancedModel | |
CAltusUnified::Model | |
CAltusUnified::IResourceManager | |
CAltusUnified::ISceneDelegate | |
CAltusUnified::ITileLoader | |
►CAltusUnified::ITileProvider | |
CAltusUnified::InternetTileProvider | |
►CAltusUnified::ITimerListener | |
CAltusUnified::InputEventManager | |
CAltusUnified::Scene | The main rendering component and container of other objects. |
CAltusUnified::IVectorMapDelegate | A delegate object for a VectorMap. If you create a sub-object of this type, you can receive hit detection events for the VectorMap. |
CAltusUnified::KeyboardEvent | |
CAltusUnified::Keysym | |
CAltusUnified::LineStyle | Expresses style for a line. |
CAltusUnified::LoadingInstructions | |
►CAltusUnified::Map | A base class for all Maps. You cannot create this map directly. |
►CAltusUnified::MarkerMap | Base class for marker maps. You cannot create one of these. |
CAltusUnified::ClusteredMarkerMap | A map of markers, where some of the markers are hidden when the camera is zoomed far away. As you zoom in, more markers appear. Tiles are generated up to the specified maxLevel and the tiles are stored in memory. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicMarkerMap | A dynamic marker map. Use this map to show markers that can move. Every marker is drawn every frame (they are not broken up into tiles). |
CAltusUnified::ModelMap | A map of 3D models. Every model is drawn every frame. This map is not tiled. |
►CAltusUnified::VectorMapBase | Represents a map of vector data. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicVectorMap | Represents a map of dynamic vector data. |
CAltusUnified::DynamicVectorMarkerMap | Represents a map of vector markers (currently only AnimatedVectorCircles) |
CAltusUnified::VectorMap | Represents a map of vector data that is rarely updated. Tiles are generated using this map and lines and polygons are split across tiles if necessary. For a vector map of frequently updated or deleted shapes, see DynamicVectorMap. |
►CAltusUnified::VirtualMap | A map where the tiles are specified by a tile provider. This map allows you to generate the data however you like, by creating a custom TileProvider. There are available TileProviders as well, such as the InternetTileProvider, for downloading tiles from a URL. |
CAltusUnified::WeatherGridMap | A WeatherGridMap is a special kind of map where each tile is raster data, either 1 channel or 3 channels, and the data in these tiles are colored using a color bar. For example, a temperature map would have 1 channel of temperatures and the color bar would color the temperatures from blue (for cold) through red (for hot). |
CAltusUnified::MapDesc | |
CAltusUnified::MapDoubleColor | |
CAltusUnified::MapSamplerDesc | |
CAltusUnified::MapSamplerExtrudedVectorData | |
CAltusUnified::MapSamplerMarkerResourceData | |
CAltusUnified::MapSamplerPointWithPercentage | |
CAltusUnified::MapUintMarker | |
CAltusUnified::MapUintMarkerResource | |
CAltusUnified::MapView | |
CAltusUnified::Marker | |
CAltusUnified::MarkerData | The data required to create a marker. |
CAltusUnified::MarkerHit | Information about a marker the user has tapped or clicked on. |
CAltusUnified::MarkerImageInfo | |
CAltusUnified::MarkerResource | |
CAltusUnified::Mesh | |
CAltusUnified::ModelHit | |
CAltusUnified::ModelVertex | |
CAltusUnified::MouseButtonEvent | |
CAltusUnified::MouseMotionEvent | |
CAltusUnified::MouseWheelEvent | |
CAltusUnified::MultiGestureEvent | |
CAltusUnified::Orientation | /////////////////////////////////////////////// |
CAltusUnified::PointSet | |
CAltusUnified::PointSet3d | |
CAltusUnified::Polar | |
CAltusUnified::Polygon | |
CAltusUnified::PolygonHit | Represents hit detection on a polygon. |
CAltusUnified::PolygonStyle | Expresses style for a polygon. |
CAltusUnified::quatd | |
►CAltusUnified::RawInputHandler | |
CAltusUnified::FreeAxisInputHandler | |
►CAltusUnified::GestureInputHandler | |
CAltusUnified::ClassicInputHandler | |
CAltusUnified::ListInputHandler | |
CAltusUnified::LongPressInputHandler | |
CAltusUnified::Screen | Represents the screen or window Altus renders to. |
CAltusUnified::ScreenSpacePercentagePoint | |
CAltusUnified::Sphere | |
CAltusUnified::Texture | |
CAltusUnified::TileId | |
CAltusUnified::TileResult | |
CAltusUnified::Timer | |
CAltusUnified::TimeStamp | |
CAltusUnified::TouchFingerEvent | |
►CAltusUnified::Transform | |
CAltusUnified::ModelTransform | |
CAltusUnified::TriangleSet3d | |
CAltusUnified::Uint64_LowHigh | |
CAltusUnified::vec2d | |
CAltusUnified::vec2f | |
CAltusUnified::vec2i | |
CAltusUnified::vec3d | |
CAltusUnified::vec3f | |
CAltusUnified::vec4f | |
CAltusUnified::VectorBoundingBox | |
CAltusUnified::VectorByte | |
CAltusUnified::VectorColor | |
CAltusUnified::VectorCoordsVect | |
CAltusUnified::VectorDynamicMarker | |
CAltusUnified::VectorExtrudedPolygon | |
CAltusUnified::VectorFloat | |
CAltusUnified::VectorGeoBoundingBox | |
CAltusUnified::VectorGeographicPosition | |
CAltusUnified::VectorGeographicPosition2D | |
►CAltusUnified::VectorGeometryHit | Represents a "hit" or "click" or "tap" on a 2D line or polygon. |
CAltusUnified::LineSegmentHit | Represents a "hit" or "tap" or "click" on a vector line. |
CAltusUnified::VertexHit | Represents a "hit" or "click" or "tap" on a 2D line or polygon. |
CAltusUnified::VectorGLushort | |
CAltusUnified::VectorInt | |
CAltusUnified::VectorMapSamplerPointWithPercentage | |
CAltusUnified::VectorMarker | |
CAltusUnified::VectorMarkerData | |
CAltusUnified::VectorMarkerHit | |
CAltusUnified::VectorModel | |
CAltusUnified::VectorModelHit | |
CAltusUnified::VectorModelVertex | |
CAltusUnified::VectorPointSet | |
CAltusUnified::VectorPointSet3d | |
CAltusUnified::VectorPolygon | |
CAltusUnified::VectorPolygonHit | |
CAltusUnified::VectorShort | |
CAltusUnified::VectorString | |
CAltusUnified::VectorTexture | |
CAltusUnified::VectorTileId | |
CAltusUnified::VectorTileResult | |
CAltusUnified::VectorTransform | |
CAltusUnified::VectorTriangleSet3d | |
CAltusUnified::VectorUint32_t | |
CAltusUnified::VectorUint64_t | |
CAltusUnified::VectorVec2d | |
CAltusUnified::VectorVec3d | |