Getting Help

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Altus is powerful, flexible, rich and incredibly capable. You can do things in Altus that no other mapping engine on the planet can touch. Once you invest a bit of time learning the design patterns and basic API calls, you will find that the power of Altus is unlocked for you. Our goal here is to get you started as quickly as possible, and to help you be successful with Altus.

In order to achieve that we offer several levels of assistance:


Online support documentation

We offer tutorials, reference apps, full API documentation and the FAQ in our Knowledge Base.

Free Support

If you're using the SDK (for example you have downloaded the free publicly available SDK) but you do not yet have a BA3 support contract, please send in your questions via [email protected]. If you can't find an answer in the documentation, the code samples on GitHub, or on this wiki,[email protected] is the quickest path to an answer. We'll take your question and put in our queue of incoming questions. As we have free cycles (i.e. when not doing something directly related to commercial support) we through the list. Many times you'll get an immediate response if it is simple issue or if we can point you to a document or code snippet. If you are asking for a new feature, your request will go onto our feature request list. If you would like us to prioritize your feature request and give it a delivery date, a support contract is the best solution.

Professional Support

A BA3 support contract prioritizes your requests to the top of the queue. Contact [email protected] for pricing details. When you consider this option, ask yourself what your own time is worth. We've seen people spend days hung up on an issue caused by a linker setting in Xcode - paying BA3 for support time would have been much cheaper.

On-site Bootcamp

In this model, we (a BA3 engineer) comes to you, or you come to us, and we sit in room together. You tell us what you're trying to achieve and an intense coding session solves your problem while also bringing you up to speed. We know this model works very well because the best products on Altus were created this way. This approach is usually where new features get added that allow you to differentiate your product, and your developers gain the knowledge to go even further. BA3 bills for our time and travel. So far every development team who has done this has shipped an excellent product.

Enterprise Licensees

In this model, you sign up for a yearly license, and we allocate dedicated time to you and your business throughout the year based on the associated support contract. You will be given a phone number you can call to get an engineer on the phone.

Email Your Questions

Do you have questions about Alus or support options? Please send them to [email protected].

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