AltusPackage Command Line

AltusPackage v2.0.ut-2153-g60764257e
AltusPackage - Offline map packager. Copyright (c) 2016 BA3, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
USAGE: AltusPackage [OPTIONS]
-border, --border_size ARG           Define a stitching border in pixels.
                                     Defaults to 0.
-flipy, --package_type               Specify this option if you generated tiles
                                     using a program like gdal2tiles.
                                     When set, this option applies the following
                                     formula for y values: y = pow(2, (float)z)
                                     - y - 1
-h, --help ARG                       Display usage instructions.
-if, --input_folder ARG              Input folder.
-lk, --license_key ARG               Commercial-use license key. (i.e.
-maxX, --maximum_x ARG               East-most edge of output map data.
-maxY, --maximum_y ARG               Northern-most edge of output map data.
-minX, --minimum_x ARG               West-most edge of output map data.
-minY, --minimum_y ARG               Southern-most edge of output map data.
-ml, --max_level ARG                 Maximum level to generate. If not
                                     specified, the optimum level will be
                                     computed automatically.
-mps, --meters_per_sample ARG        An alternative way of controlling to what
                                     'depth' data is created. This is especially
                                     useful if you have over polar regions
                                     coming from EPSG:4326 projections. Use this
                                     instead of maximum level (-ml) when you
                                     have data that covers the poles. For
                                     example, if you have an image that spans
                                     the planet, and you desire to go to the
                                     maximum resolution of your source data,
                                     divide the circumference of the Earth in
                                     meters at the equator by the pixel width of
                                     your image. If you have an image that is
                                     40,008,000 pixels wide, the math would look
                                     like this: 40,008,000 / 86,000 = 465. You
                                     would therefore use a meters-per-sample
                                     setting of 465 to ensure that the full
                                     resolution of your data is used.
-o, --output_file ARG                Output file
-pt, --package_type ARG              Type of package: raster, vector, terrain,
-s, --session_file ARG               Name of Altus MapShop session .sqlite file.
-sl, --start_level ARG               Starting level to begin at.
-t, --tree                           Use pre-computed tree instead of scanning
                                     file system.
-ts, --tile_size ARG                 The width and height for tiles. Default is
-us_bounds, --united_states_bounds   Use continental United States bounds.
Command line usage:
To generate a vector map package from tiles that you created with AltusVector:
    AltusPackage -of /packages/mypackage.sqlite -pt vector -if /tiles/mytiles -ml 8 -s mydesign.sqlite
AltusPackage v2.0.ut-2153-g60764257e Copyright (c) 2016 BA3, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Built from commit: 60764257e4ba51dd571dee9d649af206c6fe58ff

AltusMappingEngine Server v2.0.ut.2153.g60764257e master